Don’t get in a twist during ‘lockdown’...


I thought I would hop on here and write a quick blog to share some of the simple things that are helping me get through lockdown and deal with my periodic anxiety during Covid-19.

I’m already 3 weeks into social distancing because my daughter and husband had bad colds, so I didn’t want to take the risk of seeing other people. Transitioning was initially quite tough because I’m used to being out with my 10 month old and interacting with others, whether it be at a baby club, meeting friends for coffee or seeing my family.

However, the more I’m home the more I’m actually finding it ok - I’ve surprised myself. I’m missing family and friends, but I am also enjoying a more simpler and slower life. I feel like we’re getting more quality time together as a family, which is actually (in a strange way) quite nice.

I’ve welcomed the much slower pace - I needed to slow down - perhaps you did too?

Although as I’m sat here now writing this I’m feeling calm, it hasn’t been like this every day and there have been many a day over the past weeks that have been a struggle, where I’ve felt pretty low and very anxious. This hasn’t just been down to Coronavirus, I’ve had some personal stuff going on that has been intense. But coupled with our current situation it has been hard to not feel overwhelmed.

I would say since a young age I’ve had episodes of anxiety and it has manifested in different ways - hives, psoriasis, nervous habits as well as anxiety attacks where I get electric tingles through my body, usually starting at my lips and then it builds throughout my body.

Over the years I’ve managed all of these things by myself - that’s not to say seeking medical help is wrong, I just didn’t feel it was the right approach for me. In many ways, it’s how I came to find yoga and continue to use the many tools and techniques it offers me, in my life.

Since having my daughter my anxiety and general nervous disposition ramped up and I have actually been seeing a therapist. It’s a very new experience for me, but one I’ve welcomed and that I am finding to be incredibly helpful.

I touched on this in an Instagram post a few weeks back, in relation to the news. News can generally make me feel anxious, so quite a few years ago I decided not to tune into it on a daily basis - I dip in and out when I choose too. Some people think that me not listening to news is being ignorant, I think a different story - it’s protecting myself.

During this period I’ve felt surges of uneasy as I’ve listened to the news and those feelings of overwhelm have risen. I’m sure I’m not alone here. I’m also pretty sure that people are experiencing these feelings that don’t usually and I believe that mental health is huge factor that will need to be addressed by the end of all of this.

So, I thought I would share some of the things I’ve been doing during lockdown to take my mind off of those feelings of overwhelm and to also help the hours go by - though I’m still finding my days are pretty full as I’m sure all parents will agree!

Daily Gratitude Diary

  • From the moment Boris Johnson announced ‘lockdown’ I decided to write a daily gratitude journal

  • Each day I write 3 things I’m grateful for - I’m posting mine on my Instagram stories, but you don’t need to do that, you can jot them down in a notebook instead

  • It’s such a simple exercise, but so effective to get us to realise what we have in our lives

Yoga Practice

  • I’m sure it won’t surprise you to see this one on my list!

  • Yoga isn’t just about the physical practice, though some days I’m doing that, but mostly for me at the moment it is about taking time out to breathe - to really slow the breath down and to consciously connect with it

  • There are so many good free resources available to help with yoga, meditation and mindfulness, here’s a few I like: Headspace, Third Ear, Anna Mathur

Listening to Podcasts

  • I love listening to podcasts - it’s about the only thing I miss about commuting! However instead now I’ll often listen to one when I’m out walking my daughter, whilst she’s asleep

  • One of my favourites at the moment is Happy Mum Happy Baby I also love Desert Island Discs

Cleaning and Clearing

  • I’m one of those strange people that find cleaning and clearing very therapeutic.

  • When you get stuck into something it works in a similar way to a mindfulness technique as it acts as distraction from the thoughts that might be worrying you

  • I love Marie Kondo’s techniques to tidy drawers and cupboards - it’s so satisfying!

Cooking and Eating Together

  • I’ve been cooking way more than usual - my husband must be in his element as all I seem to do is talk about food!

  • Having meals together is such a nice thing to do and can often be missed when we’re all so busy

  • I even managed to bake a cake (banana and dark chocolate loaf) - first time in about 2 years!

  • We also seem to have adopted the new ritual of a beer each evening - though of course I’m not suggesting you do that! ;)

Find time for yourself

  • This isn’t something I’ve established yet, nor has my husband, but I think it is going to be very important in the coming weeks to do things for ourselves that don’t involve cleaning, washing, cooking etc…

  • There are so many great online workouts, workshops, courses etc available so it could be a great time to get fit or get a new skill!

All of the things above are helping me, and so many more (e.g. lots of phone and video calls) but you might have other simple things you can do that are more akin to what you enjoy.

Overall I am trying to be accepting of this situation. A big part of acceptance is recognising what we can’t change and change what we can.

I hope you stay safe and healthy, or if you or someone you live with has been unfortunate to experience the symptoms of coronavirus, that you are coming out the other side.

In the meantime if anyone does fancy joining me for a live online yoga class, then check out my schedule below.

I’m planning to create more resources in the coming days, weeks, to help you step out of your day and to find some calm. If there is anything particular you would like me to offer then let me know here